
The Bornoff Approach – A Primer is a “how to” guide for the beginning level of Bornoff’s Finger Patterns. It was created for those with little to no experience using the Bornoff Approach and includes detailed instructions to support teachers for whom strings may be a secondary instrument.

A compact work specifically designed for use in string orchestra school programs, A Primer establishes procedures, qualifies expectations, and influences the mindset for all future instruction. 

Bornoff’s procedure for string teaching is deeply influenced by his in-depth study of Gestalt theory. He embraced the philosophy of working from the whole to its parts and the understanding that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. His system capitalizes on the Gestalt understanding that we learn best when we vary the context within which we practice. Bornoff called it Creative Review

Debbie Lyle is available for Skype sessions, teacher training, and in-school residencies.

The Bornoff Approach has been used and refined for over sixty-five years. Now, thanks to the work of Debbie Lyle, Bornoff’s monumental contributions to string pedagogy have been updated and organized such that material previously unobtainable without years of training will be available to you in just minutes! 

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